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Posts tagged thomas giddens

Happy birthday, Thomas Giddens!

2015 Black and Red All-Sports Awards Thomas Giddens

Thomas Giddens chilling at the 2015 Black and Red All-Sports Awards

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @giddentn

9 years ago today…

daytona sou raiders football team national champions-DeNoiseAI-clear

Two days before winning the 2014 NAIA Football National Championship, the SOU Raiders Football Team was on the track of the Daytona International Speedway

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @dmgibson93 @schroder1130 @SOU_CoachBBrown @Matt_Retzlaff @ryretz @CoachT_CWU

Happy birthday, Thomas Giddens!

SOU football thomas giddens

Thomas Giddens

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @giddentn

Happy birthday, Thomas Giddens!

sou football thomas giddens Julius Rucker Oshay Dunmore Isaiah Carter matt retzlaff

#98 Thomas Giddens

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @giddentn

Happy birthday, Thomas Giddens!

SOU football spring game thomas giddens

Thomas Giddens

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @giddentn

Coach Craig Howard would be 66 today

coach howard sou football

Coach Craig Howard in November of 2015 after beating #1-ranked Morningside on the road

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

Happy birthday Thomas Giddens!

SOU football Thomas Giddens

Thomas Giddens

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @giddentn

12 All-Frontier Conference Football Players

SOU football greg stewart tylor king Dylan Bratlie

Dylan Bratlie and Tylor King

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

Details here.

sou football karrington jones

Karrington Jones

SOU football spring game thomas giddens

Thomas Giddens

sou football Joseph Lealofi Armando Gauger

Joseph Lealofi

sou football Matt Retzlaff Bronsen Ader

Matt Retzlaff

sou football Sam Woods Julius Rucker blocked extra point

Sam Woods and Julius Rucker

SOU football daytona Jaylenn Hart daniel abernathy

#2 Jaylenn Hart

Jeremy Scottow

sou football tanner trosin

Tanner Trosin

SOU football David Weider

David Weider

Massey Ratings

sou football thomas giddens

Thomas Giddens has been great in SOU’s first two games, but the Raiders need to use him less.

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @giddentn

Yesterday I linked to NAIA rankings based on a computer formula. There are various formulas out there. Massey‘s formula has SOU at #1 even after the loss to Carroll. Even more interesting is that Massey says that five of the top six NAIA football teams are in the Frontier Conference.

More returning Raiders

sou football daytona Ben Bachman jeremy scottow sean mcshane

Ben Bachman will be a sophomore, Jeremy Scottow will be a senior, and Sean McShane will be a senior in 2015.

@SOU_Football @SOURaiders @Matt_Retzlaff @Ben_Bachman23 @giddentn

sou football daytona Grant Torgerson

Grant Torgerson will be a senior in 2015.

fumble recovery celebration

sou football daytona melving mason

Melvin Mason will be a junior in 2015.

SOU football daytona Thomas Giddens

Thomas Giddens will be a senior in 2015.

SOU football daytona pep rally Nathaniel Timoteo

Nathaniel Timoteo will be a senior in 2015.

Gannon Schroder and Tylor King will be seniors in 2015.

Gannon Schroder and Tylor King will be seniors in 2015.

sou football daytona jeremy scottow aldrick rosas

Aldrick Rosas, whose string or 116 consecutive PATs was broken this year but he has started another string of 15 to be continued next year, will be a junior in 2015.

SOU football daytona matt retzlaff

Matt Retzlaff will be a junior in 2015.

I’m still getting lots of requests for prints of these photos of the football team in the NAIA Championship game. Instructions are in this earlier post.