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#99 Marcus Montano (pictured here with SOU football alum Jeff Young who has been living with ALS for 40 years)
@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @bangout_marcuss @the_reyvega @CoachJeffYoung @Tcoop2298 @seannyrog
@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @bangout_marcuss @DevvonGage @the_reyvega
Massey dropped SOU from a tie for second to number three today. The coaches aren’t likely to agree come Monday’s new poll. I’m guessing the new coaches’ poll will look something like this:
1) Morningside
2) Marian
3) Northwestern
4) Southern Oregon
Northwestern has yet to play any decent teams and will likely get creamed by Morningside on 10/20. St. Francis would have moved ahead of the Raiders, but they lost again and will likely drop out of the top five with two in the loss column.
Rocky earned a top five spot on Massey but won’t crack the coaches’ top ten. Southern Oregon welcomes Eastern Oregon for homecoming this Saturday. EOU may make the coaches top 25 come Monday. Massey has them at #16. Massey gives the Raiders a 91% chance of winning and picks SOU by 19 over the Mountaineers.