Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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RAW vs jpg in outdoor sports photography

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unedited jpg

@SOURaiders @clay__10 @B_RAB13

Until last year I only shot in RAW for difficult lighting conditions. Now I only shoot in RAW, even for outdoor sports. Yesterday I was on the road, without a computer, so I shot in both RAW and jpg. I sent some jpgs in for quick publication, and they showed up in places like here and here.

Back on my computer today I had the chance to process the same RAW files.

RAW SOU Men's Soccer Clayton Nadon

edited RAW version of Clayton Nadon’s pass

unedited jpg

unedited jpg

RAW SOU Men's Soccer Brendan Allen

edited RAW version of Brendan Allen’s goal celebration

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