Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged brendan allen

Seven years ago today…

2017 Conference Champions

@SOURaiders @G11Gonzo @SOUMensSoccer @MatyasPaul @millerszn

SOU men’s soccer take home awards

sou mens soccer davie carmichael

Coach of the Year Davie Carmichael and Defensive Player of the Year Michael Miller congratulate Brendan Allen on a goal

@SOUMensSoccer @SOURaiders @BrendanEAllen @millerszn @SOUCoachDavie

Details here.

Academic All-Cascade Conference

Dry, but not for long

@SOUMensSoccer @SOURaiders @G11Gonzo @kaylethewhale @RaiderVB @HoytMakayla @BrendanEAllen @hannahbogatin

Full list here.

sou womens soccer cassandra kohler

Cassandra Kohler

kayle blackmore sou track

Kayle Blackmore

sou mens soccer brendan allen goal celebration gonzalo garcia

Brendan Allen and Gonzalo Garcia

sou volleyball Hannah Bogatin Makayla Hoyt Malie Rube

Hannah Bogatin and Makayla Hoyt

Raider Scholar Athletes

sou football caden johnson

Caden Johnson

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @tristvedt_10 @RaiderVB @Kelsee_R

For the full list, click here.

sou womens soccer kelsey randall

Kelsey Randall

sou mens soccer brendan allen

Brendan Allen

sou volleyball taylor ristvedt

Taylor Ristvedt

sou track and field Kayle Blackmore

Kayle Blackmore

Two years ago today…


…this happened.

RAW vs jpg in outdoor sports photography

unedited jpg

unedited jpg

@SOURaiders @clay__10 @B_RAB13

Until last year I only shot in RAW for difficult lighting conditions. Now I only shoot in RAW, even for outdoor sports. Yesterday I was on the road, without a computer, so I shot in both RAW and jpg. I sent some jpgs in for quick publication, and they showed up in places like here and here.

Back on my computer today I had the chance to process the same RAW files.

RAW SOU Men's Soccer Clayton Nadon

edited RAW version of Clayton Nadon’s pass

unedited jpg

unedited jpg

RAW SOU Men's Soccer Brendan Allen

edited RAW version of Brendan Allen’s goal celebration