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@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball #NAIASoftball #PlayNAIA #CollegeSoftball @naia @AllieStines17 @__averymarie @quirkey_15 @livvv_mackey @ShimekHannah @taylerrwalkerr @gabbysandoval14
This year’s national champs got their rings at halftime, during a downpour, last weekend. For many, this was their second ring (having won the 2019 national championship as well). The 2020 team was ranked number one in the country before the season was canceled so it could have been the third ring for a few of ’em.
@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @allie_stines @gabbysandoval14 @quirkey_15 @ShimekHannah @riles_cd
A parade and ceremony to honor the 2021 NAIA Champion SOU softball team will take place today in downtown Ashland.
The parade will start at 3:30 on Union Street across from Safeway and head North through downtown along the southbound lanes into the Plaza and will end at the Bandshell in Lithia Park where a ceremony and trophy presentation will take place at 4 p.m.
Feel free to line the sidewalks of southbound Siskiyou Blvd and cheer on the champions and/or meet at the bandshell for the ceremony.
@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @allie_stines @gabbysandoval14 @quirkey_15
The official announcement won’t happen for another month, but one of these three should take the honor, with one of the others being the runner up, and the other being the second runner up.