Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged jessica pistole

Happy birthday, Emma Stang!

sou softball emma stang

Emma Stang

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Happy birthday, Faith Moultrie!

Faith Moultrie

Faith Moultrie coming in for the high five

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Happy birthday to Harlee Donovan Crown and congratulations on another trip to the World Series

sou softball team rings

2023 NAIA Softball National Champions get their rings in October of 2023

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

The Raiders beat Marian, once more, today to earn another trip to the NAIA Softball World Series–their 6th trip in 7 years. Looks like Massey knows more than the coaches once again.

The timing made for some nice icing on Coach Harlee‘s birthday cake. Here is a photo from Harlee’s birthday six years ago.

Five years ago today…

2019 NAIA Softball National Champions

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @alliestines17 @__averymarie @quirkey_15 ‏@livvv_mackey @ShimekHannah @taylerrwalkerr @gabbysandoval14

Let’s Play Two!

sou softball jessica pistole Taylor Klasen

Taylor Klasen and Jessica Pistole

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Game time is 10 a.m. for the first of two in Medford today. Weather could be sunny, or rainy, or somewhere in between. Probably a bit of all three.

2023 SOU softball championship parade

sou softball parade gabby heiken riley donovan ashton cathey-DeNoiseAI-clear

2023 SOU Softball National Champions Parade (June 6, 2023)

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @_lindsey_s_ @riles_cd @dejaacosta24 @katie_mac0807 @ashton05cathey @PresRickBailey

Deja Acosta

SOU President Rick Bailey addresses the crowd

Coach of the Year Jessica Pistole and World Series MVP Cayla Williams

Your 2023 NAIA Softball National Champions!

sou softball national championship raider stadium-DeNoiseAI-clear-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

National Championship Game watch party at Raider Stadium

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @dejaacosta24 @KerlingSarah @riles_cd #BattleForTheRedBanner #NAIASoftball @katie_mac0807 @ashton05cathey @SOU_CoachBBrown #CollegeSoftball #NationalChampions

Details here.

2023 SOU Raiders Softball Team

Ringing in the rain

softball rings topaz denoise ai-standard

2021 NAIA National Champion Softball Team

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball #NAIASoftball #PlayNAIA #CollegeSoftball @naia @AllieStines17 @__averymarie @quirkey_15 ‏@livvv_mackey @ShimekHannah @taylerrwalkerr @gabbysandoval14

This year’s national champs got their rings at halftime, during a downpour, last weekend. For many, this was their second ring (having won the 2019 national championship as well). The 2020 team was ranked number one in the country before the season was canceled so it could have been the third ring for a few of ’em.

Gabby Heiken signs with SOU

gabby heiken sou softball signing ashland high school topaz denoise ai-standard

Gabby Heiken signs to play softball at Southern Oregon University (Ashland High School – September 2021)

@GabbyHeiken @SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Six years ago today…

Singing in the rain