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Posts tagged President Rick Bailey

Happy birthday, Ryan Ghelfi!

sou rick bailey bobby heiken matt sayre ryan ghelfi 2010 cross country

Ryan Ghelfi entering the SOU Hall of Fame as a member of the 2010 Cross Country Team

2023 SOU softball championship parade

sou softball parade gabby heiken riley donovan ashton cathey-DeNoiseAI-clear

2023 SOU Softball National Champions Parade (June 6, 2023)

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @_lindsey_s_ @riles_cd @dejaacosta24 @katie_mac0807 @ashton05cathey @PresRickBailey

Deja Acosta

SOU President Rick Bailey addresses the crowd

Coach of the Year Jessica Pistole and World Series MVP Cayla Williams

Cascade Conference Women’s Wrestler of the Year

grace kristoff sou womens wrestling-clear

SOU President Rick Bailey with Grace Kristoff and Coach of the Year Gabrielle Weyhrich (March 15, 2023)

@SOURaiders @Graciekri @PresRickBailey

Details here.

One interesting thing, that makes this award even more amazing, that I hadn’t heard elsewhere, came from Gabrielle Weyhrich at the parade (pictured above). She said that even though Grace weighs less than 175 lbs, she won her national championship in the 191 lb weight class–meaning she was beating opponents who weighed 10+ lbs more than her.