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Posts tagged Kailer Fulton

Happy birthday, Kailer Fulton!

sou softball kailer fulton

Kailer Fulton


Happy birthday to Harlee Donovan Crown and congratulations on another trip to the World Series

sou softball team rings

2023 NAIA Softball National Champions get their rings in October of 2023

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

The Raiders beat Marian, once more, today to earn another trip to the NAIA Softball World Series–their 6th trip in 7 years. Looks like Massey knows more than the coaches once again.

The timing made for some nice icing on Coach Harlee‘s birthday cake. Here is a photo from Harlee’s birthday six years ago.

SOU Softball

2024 sou softball team

2024 SOU Softball Team

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @GabbyHeiken @KerlingSarah

The Raiders were firing on all cylinders yesterday, beating two different teams by a combined score of 31-1. After a couple of early season losses, Massey dropped them in the ratings, but they are back up to #2. Vanguard and Hope International, who Southern Oregon will be playing later this week on the road, are both in Massey’s Top 10 so those should be interesting contests to watch.

Happy birthday, Kailer Fulton!

sou softball kailer fulton

Kailer Fulton

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Your 2023 NAIA Softball National Champions!

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National Championship Game watch party at Raider Stadium

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @dejaacosta24 @KerlingSarah @riles_cd #BattleForTheRedBanner #NAIASoftball @katie_mac0807 @ashton05cathey @SOU_CoachBBrown #CollegeSoftball #NationalChampions

Details here.

2023 SOU Raiders Softball Team

Team of the Week

sou softball-DeNoiseAI-clear

2023 SOU Softball Team

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @KerlingSarah @ashton05cathey @riles_cd

Details here.

Doubleheader today

sou softball team-DeNoiseAI-clear

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @ashton05cathey @_kellyannn_ @GabbyHeiken

Yesterday’s recap of the doubleheader sweep. Today’s games are at 11 and 1. The coaches have College of Idaho at #8. Massey had them at #1 (before yesterday).

Happy birthday, Kailer Fulton!

sou softball kailer fulton topaz denoise ai-clear

Kailer Fulton

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Softball games in Ashland begin tomorrow (instead of today as previously scheduled)

sou softball kailer fulton topaz denoise ai-low-light

Kailer Fulton

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

12 and 2 on Sunday and 11 and 1 on Monday against Eastern Oregon University (who are currently on a 10-game winning streak).