Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged buggirl

Happy birthday, Amber Saxon!

Amber Saxon of BugGiRL @ Club 66 (2014)

BugGiRL @ Club 66 (5/22/14)

BugGiRL Club 66 stryper yellow black attack

Stryper back patch

Once upon a time, 30 years ago, I had a friend who was into Stryper. I went along with him to one of their shows, much more to see the silliness than to show the band any kind of support. Strange as the evening was, I ended up catching a Stryper bible. Somewhere in a box in my garage is that relic from the past.

Fast forward to last Thursday night. BugGiRL’s Stryper-inspired logo graced the Club 66 stage while the drummer sported a throw-back denim vest with Stryper back patch. The night was destined to be a tongue-in-cheek fun one, and BugGiRL did not disappoint.

Did I mention that their current album is called “Lesbians for Satan”? Stryper would be proud. 😉

BugGiRL Club 66

BugGiRL’s Heather Webb

Clinno buggirl drummer


Amber Saxon of BugGiRL @ Club 66

Amber Saxon of BugGiRL @ Club 66

club 66 ashland oregon

locals get in on the BugGiRL action @ Club 66

Their tour continues through California, Arizona, and Texas so check them out if you are anywhere near their route.

BugGiRL plays tonight at Club 66

amber saxson hell's belles b&w

5/22/14 is the date. Not sure of the time. Maybe a bit after 9 p.m.

BugGiRL invades Ashland next Thursday

BugGiRL 2014 Tour

BugGiRL 2014 Tour

Next Thursday (5/22/14 @ Club 66) will feature the return of Amber Saxon to Southern Oregon. The last time she was here this happened:

hells-belles-amber-saxon buggirl

Amber Saxon