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Posts tagged hell’s belles

Happy birthday, Adrian Conner!

hells belles rogue theatre-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

Adrian Conner of Hell’s Belles @ Rogue Theatre (March 18, 2023)

@HellsBellesUSA #hellsbelles

Cover bands

rogue theatre hells belles pigs on the wing marquee-DeNoiseAI-clear

Rogue Theatre marquee

@pigwingtribute @HellsBellesUSA #hellsbelles

Hell’s Belles (covering AC/DC) last month, an Elton John cover band next week, and Pink Floyd on April 29. The Kingston Trio could also be called a cover band as the original members of the Kingston Trio have all been dead for a while. The current lineup has two members who have been in the band for about six years and one who has been with them for just a year.

Hell’s Belles @ The Rogue Theatre

hells belles rogue theatre-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

Hell’s Belles @ The Rogue Theatre (March 18, 2023)

@HellsBellesUSA #hellsbelles

Hell’s Belles @ Rogue Theatre

adrian conner hells belles rogue theatre

Adrian Conner of Hell’s Belles @ The Rogue Theatre (October 2018)


Speaking of shows at The Historic Rogue Theatre, Hell’s Belles will be back there on November 20, 2021. I was planning on going, especially to see the new lineup which I haven’t witnessed before, but Living Loving Led is playing the same night in Ashland so I’m going to walk to that show instead of driving almost an hour each way to Grants Pass. Tickets are still available here for Hell’s Belles.

Happy birthday, Adrian Conner!

Hell's Belles

@HellsBellesUSA #hellsbelles #acdc #womenrock @SpazKittyAdrian @BeauxCheveuxrox

Beaux Cheveux @ The Haul in Grants Pass

 adrian conner hells belles rogue theatre

Adrian Conner

@HellsBellesUSA #hellsbelles #acdc #womenrock @SpazKittyAdrian @BeauxCheveuxrox @clemthegreat @slowcorpse

Tomorrow night (11/2/18), Adrian (of Hells Belles) and Clementine (of Zepparella) will unite as Beaux Cheveux to excite and delight you. Slow Corpse is the opener.

Hell’s Belles returns to Southern Oregon

Hells Belles

@HellsBellesUSA #hellsbelles #acdc #womenrock @SpazKittyAdrian

Friday, October 26 is the day. Rogue Theatre is the place. You don’t want to miss this. Tickets at the door or here.

MarchFourth @ Rogue Theatre

MarchFourth @ Rogue Theatre

@HellsBellesUSA @M4MB

A last-second decision last night turned out to be a good one. MarchFourth exceeded expectations and really shouldn’t be missed. Their tour just began. They are in San Francisco tonight and will be covering a chunk of the western U.S. over the next few weeks. Check ’em out.

marchfourth rogue theatre

Rogue Theatre marquee

Should I go see Hell’s Belles next week?

BugGiRL plays tonight at Club 66

amber saxson hell's belles b&w

5/22/14 is the date. Not sure of the time. Maybe a bit after 9 p.m.

Hell’s Belles @ the Historic Rogue Theatre last night

 hell's belles amber saxon

Hell’s Belles’ Amber Saxon

Sometimes I’m mildly disappointed with a band the second time I see them. Perhaps I build the first experience up in my head and expect them to top that false memory the second go around. In any event, that was not the case with Hell’s Belles on my second trip with them. I had even more fun the second go around (11/2/13 in Grants Pass) than I did earlier this year in Eugene.

More pics from this fantastic evening (including The Hollowbodys and 100 Watt Mind) coming soon.