Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged Gunner Yates

Player of the Week

sou football gunner yates

#22 Gunner Yates

@SOU_Football @gunner_yates

Details here.

Happy birthday, Nick Espinoza!

sou football gustavo mendez gunner yates matthew shaddle sawyer cleveland braden reed nick espinoza duncan hicks

#76 Nick Espinoza

@SOU_Football @NickEspinoza24

NAIA Player of the Week

sou football gunner yates

Gunner Yates

@SOU_Football @gunner_yates

Details here.


sou football Gunner Yates

Gunner Yates

@SOU_Football @gunner_yates

Tonight’s game will happen a bit over two hours to the south of Ashland.

Happy birthday, Rayden Kaneshiro!

sou football rayden kaneshiro-DeNoiseAI-clear

Rayden Kaneshiro

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @KaneshiroRayden @gunner_yates @blake_asciutto

Player of the Week

Gunner Yates

@gunner_yates @SOURaiders @SOU_Football

Details here.