Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged hillstomp

Happy birthday, John Johnson!

hillstomp rogue theatre John Johnson topaz denoise ai-clear

Hillstomp’s John Johnson @ Rogue Theatre (November 2021)


Master of Buckets

john johnson johnny buckets hillstomp cuthbert eugene

John Johnson (AKA Johnny Buckets) of Hillstomp @ Cuthbert Amphitheater (Eugene, Oregon – August 2023)

@Hillstomp @CuthbertAmp

One month from today…

hillstomp rogue theatre Henry Christian topaz denoise ai-low-light

Hillstomp (November 2021)

@Hillstomp @Bloomurian @dirtwire

Dirtwire, , and Hillstomp @ The Ashland Armory

Hillstomp @ Rogue Theatre

hillstomp rogue theatre-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Hillstomp @ The Rogue Theatre (November 4, 2022)

Almost exactly one year since their last performance in the Rogue Theatre, Hillstomp returned this past Friday evening. Fortunately, they brought some of their own lighting (as the stage lighting in the Rogue Theatre is really bad–I wish bands wouldn’t use the house red lights as they don’t look good or photograph well).

Speaking of poor lighting, the exterior of the Rogue Theatre used to be the highlight of a nighttime drive through Grants Pass. Now it looks pretty neglected.

hillstomp tommy emmanuel rogue theatre marquee-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Hillstomp and Tommy Emmanuel on Rogue Theatre marqueE

Hillstomp in Grants Pass tomorrow night

hillstomp rogue theatre topaz denoise ai-low-light

Hillstomp @ The Historic Rogue Theatre (November 5, 2021)


Tickets available here or at the door.

Hillstomp in Grants Pass last night

hillstomp rogue theatre topaz denoise ai-low-light

Hillstomp @ The Historic Rogue Theatre (November 5, 2021)


I usually go to five or six shows a year at the Rogue Theatre in Grants Pass. Last night’s show, though, was my first in two years. Hillstomp was on the marquee, but they ended up being the opener–probably because, as a two-piece band, removing their equipment off the stage is a lot easier. Anyway, they were fantastic. I think I saw them before in Ashland and will be sure to see all of their future gigs in Southern Oregon.