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Posts tagged Isaiah Hidalgo

Happy birthday, Isaiah Hidalgo!

sou football isaiah hidalgo

Isaiah Hidalgo

@SOU_Football @IsaiahHidalgo3

2024 SOU Football Seniors (Part 1)

sou football isaiah hidalgo

Isaiah Hidalgo

@SOU_Football @blake_asciutto @IsaiahHidalgo3 @_JCLEM_

sou football rayden kaneshiro

Rayden Kaneshiro

sou football jackson clemmer

Jackson Clemmer

sou football Blake Asciutto

Blake Asciutto


sou football Isaiah Hidalgo

Isaiah Hidalgo

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @IsaiahHidalgo3 @NAIAFootballVSN #NAIAFootball @NAIA #NAIAPoll @NAIAFBALL

Details here.

Massey Ratings gives the Raiders a 30% chance of winning against Massey’s #2 team in the country. (The coaches have College of Idaho at #5.) With 20 teams going to the NAIA playoffs this year, if Massey was in charge, SOU would be in (at #16). Instead, teams like Dickinson State (who lost to Rocky Mountain who the Raiders beat), Evangel (who hasn’t played a team in the top 40 — SOU has had six games against teams in the top 15), and Texas Wesleyan (who lost by 18 points at home to the only top 20 team they faced) will make it to the postseason.

Increasing the number of playoff teams to 20 was a great idea. Allowing the coaches, who don’t seem to look at schedule strength at all, to determine who makes it was not.