Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged jaxon clark

Happy birthday, Jaxon Clark!

Close but no cigar

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23

Happy birthday, Jaxon Clark!

Jaxon Clark

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23

SOU football seniors (part 2)

sou football josh middleton topaz denoise ai-standard

Josh Middleton

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

sou football hykeem massey topaz denoise ai-standard

Hykeem Massey

SOU football seniors (part 1)

sou football wyatt hutchinson topaz denoise ai-standard

Wyatt Hutchinson

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23 @wyatthutch7

sou football jared smith topaz denoise ai-standard

Jared Smith

sou football jaxon clark topaz denoise ai-standard

Jaxon Clark

Happy birthday, Jaxon Clark!

sou football jaxon clark

Jaxon Clark

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23

Happy birthday, Jaxon Clark!

sou football jaxon clark

Jaxon Clark

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23

May you not have to punt on your birthday… 😉

Game time is noon in Ashland.

Another great weekend to be a Raider!

sou womens soccer misty martinez

Misty Martinez

@SOUMensSoccer @SOURaiders @RaiderVB @SOU_Football @G11Gonzo @JaxClark23 @MylaNorvell @mitts_martinez

Southern Oregon University teams combined for a 7-0 record this weekend. But wait, there’s more. School hasn’t even started yet, and the Raiders are a combined, drum roll please, 14-0 in conference games. Wowza!

sou mens soccer gonzalo garcia

Gonzalo Garcia

sou volleyball myla norvell

Myla Norvell

sou football jaxon clark

Jaxon Clark

5 days to go so 5 photos

sou football rey vega

Rey Vega

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23 @the_reyvega @Tcoop2298 @bangout_marcuss

I’ve received lots of requests for photos over the past few days so, with just five days to go until the quarterfinals, here are five from last Saturday for you. Do you want four more tomorrow?

Close but no cigar

sou football tanner trosin

Tanner Trosin

sou football tyson cooper

Tyson Cooper

The kick is up...

Tickets are now on sale for Saturday’s playoff game

sou football Jaxon Clark

Jaxon Clark

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @JaxClark23

Details here.

The forecast is for mostly sunny skies, 50 degrees, and another Raider victory.

2017 SOU football special teams

Marcus Montano, Bryan Sander, Louis DesPrez, and Jaxon Clark

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @SOU_CoachSander @JaxClark23

Details here.