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Posts tagged sarah mauk

2024 Commencement

sou black red all sports awards seniors 2024

2024 SOU student-athlete seniors

@SOURaiders @SOUMensSoccer @villegasadrian2 @SOU_Football @blake_asciutto @SOU_Softball @katie_mac0807 @RaiderVB @SOUAshland @SOUadmissions

Details about today’s events can be found here.

2022 CCC Women’s Soccer All-Conference

sou womens soccer jessie selby-DeNoiseAI-clear

Jessie Selby

@SOURaiders @jessieselby0202 @SOU_WSOC @sarhamocha1 #NAIAWSoccer

Full list here.

sou womens soccer sarah mauk baylee touey miller bertani-clear

Sarah Mauk (First Team) and Baylee Touey (Honorable Mention)

Happy birthday, Sarah Mauk!

sou womens soccer sarah mauk topaz denoise ai-denoise

Sarah Mauk (and Trinity Rhoades)

@SOURaiders @SOU_WSOC @sarhamocha1

Academic All-CCC team

sou track field sarah mauk Gracie Freudenthal-DeNoiseAI-clear

Sarah Mauk

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @SOU_WSOC @sarhamocha1 @MalaikaQuigley

Full list here.

sou track field adam obrien-DeNoiseAI-clear

Adam O’Brien

sou softball lindsey stripling-DeNoiseAI-clear

Lindsey Stripling

Tre Holmes

sou softball jordan henderson-DeNoiseAI-clear

Jordan Henderson

sou track field malaika quigley-DeNoiseAI-clear

Malaika Quigley

Friday doubleheader

sou womens soccer sarah mauk topaz denoise ai-standard

Sarah Mauk

@SOURaiders @SOU_WSOC @sarhamocha1 @RaiderVB

sou volleyball Taylor Russell topaz denoise ai-low-light

Taylor Russell

More like a weekend of doubleheaders…

Players and Team of the Week

sou womens soccer sarah mauk topaz denoise ai-standard

2021 SOU Women’s Soccer Team celebrates a Sarah Mauk goal in win over ranked Oregon Tech

@SOURaiders @SOU_WSOC @sarhamocha1 @liamk_sou @Bryce_Goggin9

sou mens soccer liam kalhagen topaz denoise ai-standard

Liam Kalhagen with the shutout of OIT

sou football ben graziani bryce goggin topaz denoise ai-standard

Bryce Goggin

sou football drew schuler

Drew Schuler

Home soccer this weekend

sou mens soccer sam walker topaz denoise ai-standard

Sam Walker from Edinburgh, Scotland

@SOURaiders @SOU_WSOC @SOUMensSoccer @Samwalker5151 @sarhamocha1

Matches this weekend are at 1 and 3:30 on both Friday (today) and Saturday.

sou womens soccer sarah mauk topaz denoise ai-denoise

Sarah Mauk

When will the SOU women’s soccer team’s season end? Not today.

sou womens soccer sarah mauk

Sarah Mauk scored the first goal for SOU in the Raiders’ 2-0 victory

@sarhamocha1 #NAIAWSoccer

Details here.

sou womens soccer BAYLEE TOUEY

Baylee Touey had the second goal

Player of the Week

sou womens soccer sarah mauk

Sarah Mauk


Details here.