Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged bryce goggin

Happy birthday, Bryce Goggin!

mark siders Ben Graziani Bryce Goggin

Ben Graziani, Professor Mark Siders, and Bryce Goggin

@SOURaiders @Bryce_Goggin9 @SOU_Football @notBenGraz

Happy birthday, Chris Rosero!

sou track field bryce goggin chris rosero shane mclaughlin topaz denoise ai-denoise

Chris Rosero in lane four


2022 All-Frontier Conference Football

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Stokes Botelho with the PAT

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @graneychristian @Bryce_Goggin9 @StokesBotelho @ReginoJake @murphin8r @geissler_hunter

Details here.

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Bryce Goggin

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Christian Graney

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Jake Regino

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DeShawn Craig

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#77 Hunter Geissler

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Murphy McDowell

2022 SOU Football Seniors (part 4 of 4)

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Christian Graney

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @graneychristian @Bryce_Goggin9 @StokesBotelho

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Stokes Botelho

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Bryce Goggin


sou football tua laolagi noah turnbull shane mclaughlin bryce goggin christian quirarte topaz denoise ai-standard

@SOURaiders @Bryce_Goggin9 @SOU_Football @Shane_mac_5 @TuaLaolagi43

I’m in Minnesota, but if you are in Ashland, you should be heading down to Raider Stadium for an 11:30 a.m. start.

Happy birthday, Bryce Goggin!

sou track field bryce goggin solomon tinnon topaz denoise ai-denoise

Bryce Goggin

@SOURaiders @Bryce_Goggin9

Homecoming weekend

@SOURaiders @Bryce_Goggin9 @SOU_Football @SOUAshland @_JCLEM_

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Jackson Clemmer and Bryce Goggin celebrate a TD

Players and Team of the Week

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2021 SOU Women’s Soccer Team celebrates a Sarah Mauk goal in win over ranked Oregon Tech

@SOURaiders @SOU_WSOC @sarhamocha1 @liamk_sou @Bryce_Goggin9

sou mens soccer liam kalhagen topaz denoise ai-standard

Liam Kalhagen with the shutout of OIT

sou football ben graziani bryce goggin topaz denoise ai-standard

Bryce Goggin

sou football drew schuler

Drew Schuler

Players of the Week

Lauren Quirke

Lauren Quirke

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @quirkey_15 @Bryce_Goggin9

Details here.

sou track field bryce goggin solomon tinnon topaz denoise ai-denoise

Bryce Goggin