Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Lithia Park Model

Girl in the park

Sunny Sunday


Not today in real Ashland, but once upon a time, five years ago when today’s photo was taken, there was a sunny day in Lithia Park.

Summer in Lithia Park


My random, desktop image of the day is from a photo shoot back in 2015.

Model in Lithia Park


Lithia Park bridge

Model in Lithia Park

Model in Lithia Park

Today’s photo comes from a photo shoot I did just under a year ago for

Summer in the park

Summer in Lithia Park

No, it’s not yet summer in Ashland. This week looks positively springlike, with highs in the low 60s and rain in the forecast for every day. But last week it was summerlike, and more importantly, this model’s name was Summer.