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Cheap, good food found in Copenhagen!

Food in Copenhagen is not cheap. When purchased at the grocery store it will run you 2X as much, on average, when compared to the U.S. When purchased at a restaurant food can cost up to 4X as much as the good old U.S.A.

I get a good lunch at the canteen at Copenhagen Business School for about US$6 to $7, but other than that the pickings have been slim. We did find one other good deal. At a place called “Lille Istanbul” on Viktoriagade near the corner of Vesterbrogade in Vesterbro there are about 13 different, very tasty sandwiches to choose from. They are called “Super Sandwiches” and they go for only 25 DKK (or just over US$5) each.

lele vesterbro copenhagen denmark

Last night we went out to a place all of the guidebooks rave about as being the best deal in town. “Le Le Nha Hang” is the name of the place, and it, too, is in Vesterbro. The food was OK, but the prices are no longer under 100 DKK as all of the guidebooks promise. The cheapest dishes start at about 115 DKK now. Their menu has been revised recently it seems. For a bowl of soup, a salad, and two drinks the two of us paid just over US$70. It was a good meal but not something I would pay more than about $20 – $25 for in the U.S.

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