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Random pictures from around Copenhagen

I have a load of really great pictures from our Copenhagen Canal Tour this past Sunday to show you, but it seems like too daunting a task to put together today. Instead I’ll take the easy way out and present three photographs that didn’t quite fit into any prior entry.

Ellie at playground near St. Mark Church in Copenhagen

The kids really like the little park right next to our apartment. Or at least they did until they mastered the various balance beams that were so difficult at first. Now the challenge isn’t quite there. There is a ping pong table made out of cement with a metal net (no lets or net services with a metal net I suppose) at the park, but we don’t have any paddles or ping pong balls. The setting for the park is what I really like as Skt. Markus Church provides a nice backdrop.

Ellie and the swans in Copenhagen

We aren’t sure what exactly to call the bodies of water between Frederiksberg and Copenhagen City Center. In Danish they are “So” or more correctly “Sø” and there are three of them (divided into five sections by bridges or roads): Skt. Jorgens So, Peblinge So, and Sortedams So.

In English I’ve heard them referred to as lakes, canals, and reservoirs. They aren’t really canals. And they aren’t really lakes so don’t picture Lake Tahoe. In any event, we cross them nearly every day–sometimes numerous times a day. They are beautiful and loaded with wildlife. Around dusk (after 10 p.m. in the northern summer) you can get some really cool reflections off the buildings.

The Ugly Ducklings

The above photo is perhaps the best picture I have ever taken. It had nothing to do with me though. I was just in the right place at the right time. The lighting, reflections, and everything were perfect. I didn’t do anything but push a button. I have done nothing to enhance this picture in photo manipulation software either. Make sure to maximize it to see just how cool it is.

Our big news of the day is that we are going to take a trip to Norway after all. We will be on a cruise ship to Oslo next weekend. We’ll have only one day in Oslo before reboarding and coming back. What we are really looking forward to is seeing the fjords from the ship as we sail in. What should we do when we get there? Here are some options:
– Akershus Castle and Fortress
– Norsk Folkemuseum, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History at Bygdøy, with a large open air museum
– The Armed Forces Museum
– The City Hall, where the annual Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is held
– The Holmenkollen ski jump, arena of the 1952 Winter Olympic Games, Holmenkollen
– The Holmenkollen Ski Museum, Holmenkollen
– The Kon-Tiki Museum, Bygdøy
– The Munch Museum, Tøyen
– The National Gallery
– The Norwegian Maritime Museum, including ships Fram and Gjøa, Bygdøy
– The Oslo City Museum, at Frogner Manor
– The Royal Palace
– The Henie-Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden in Bærum
– Oslo Cathedral
– The Storting, parliament building
– The Vigeland Park in the Frogner park (Frognerparken)
– The Viking Ship Museum, displaying the Oseberg and Gokstad ships, Bygdøy Tryvannstårnet

We have only 9 hours so if you can recommend any of the above or cross any of the above off of our list by commenting as a reply to this blog entry we’d appreciate it!

One Response to “Random pictures from around Copenhagen”

  1. 1

    According to one of my CBS students, who is from Oslo, we should see:
    – Aker-Brygge
    – Slottet
    – Frogner Parken

    As far as I can tell, only the third item is on my prior list.