Arc de Triomphe (part 2 of 2)
Today’s entry features a couple more pictures from the top of Napoleon’s Arch of Triumph.
Whoever decided to line these streets radiating off of the Arch with trees should be commended.
From the Arc de Triomphe, La Grande Arche or Grande Arche de la Fraternite or Defense, in the center of the business district, can be seen straight down the boulevard in the distance. You can walk directly under one, and if you don’t turn a bit, make it under the other. Of course you’ll probably be run over by about a thousand cars before you get there, but in theory you could.
When Napoleon envisioned the Arch of Triumph he probably didn’t foresee the French flag being flown side by side under it with the European Union flag (unless he was head of the EU too), but that is what it now looks like.