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3 cheers for the Seibu Lions

The Seibu Lions have advanced to the Japanese World Series. They are playing against the Tokyo Giants for the championship. Currently the series is even at a game a piece. If you can read a bit of Japanese then check out the latest here. Play resumes on Tuesday at Seibu Dome where the above picture was taken last year. Female cheerleaders come out and do their thing in the seventh or eighth inning in Japan. Then the fans fire off thousands of balloons. And this was for a regular old game, not the playoffs. I can’t imagine what happens when they turn things up a notch for the Japan Series.

2 Responses to “3 cheers for the Seibu Lions”

  1. 1
    Maqueo Wolf:


  2. 2

    How much do those cheerleaders get paid? Those girls all have nice breasts!!!