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Metepec, Mexico house

My first night in Mexico was spent at a hotel in Toluca. The next day I had meetings at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. After our meetings my colleagues (from Canada and New York) and I were taken to a local professor’s home in Metepec. The interior, pictured above, was amazingly beautiful I thought. Maybe it was just the high-quality tequila I was being served, but I remember being dazzled by the place.

The dinner table conversation was most unusual. Only one person there could only speak English (my colleague from New York). Several Mexicans could only speak Spanish. But most of us could speak two languages. The interesting thing is that those two languages weren’t English and Spanish. Three people could only speak French and Spanish. One (from Montreal) could only speak French and English. One Mexican could only speak Spanish and Japanese having lived in Japan for several years while in college. I can’t speak any Spanish. So there were two or three conversations going on in Spanish, two going on in French, one was happening in English, and mine was happening in Japanese. It was a wonderful meal and experience that I will never forget.

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