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Baseball balloons have returned!

balloons at Japanese pro baseball game seibu lions

To say that the Japanese overreacted to the Swine Flu scare is more than a bit of an understatment. A group of educators were supposed to come to my university in Oregon, but they all canceled due to the H1N1 hysteria. Never mind that there are far fewer cases in my neck of the rural woods than there are in densely populated Japan (meaning they would have been safer here than at home) or that the death rate from this flu bug is less than it is for the regular flu (which inflicts far more people anyway).

One of Japan’s Swine Flu “precautions” was the prohibiting of balloons at professional baseball games. I’m happy to report that this ban has finally been ended, just in time for my arrival and attendance at Japanese ball games. Yeah!

Let the launchings begin…

balloons in flight at seibu kyujo japan baseball game

2 Responses to “Baseball balloons have returned!”

  1. 1
    leif hagen:

    Baseball team ganbatte kudasai! I especially like your top photo of the fans with their balloons! Omoshiroi desu ne!

  2. 2

    Really! I wondered why there were no more balloons at the baseball game I went to in June! I thought they must have just gotten rid of them at the new stadium, but I was so disappointed because the balloons are a hoot! Good to know they’ll be back. And the Japanese definitely have overreacted to the swine flu. Some schools were talking about canceling school trips to Australia because of it.