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Hakuho loses again

On Day 13 (of 15) in the current tournament, Yokozuna Hakuho lost to Ozeki Taio, giving him three losses for the tournament and virtually assuring Yokozuna Asashoryu (who only has one loss) a tournament victory. If Asashoryu wins on Saturday, even if he loses to Hakuho on Sunday, he will win the tournament.

What if Baruto had beaten Asashoryu a couple days ago? A Hakuho win over Asashoryu would have then given Baruto the championship, which would have been the first by a non-Ozeki, non-Yokozuna in almost a decade. Instead, Baruto will have to settle for just a promotion to Ozeki instead.

Here is to hoping Asashoryu loses on Saturday (and isn’t awarded a stack of cash like he was in the above photo last September when I saw him) so that Sunday’s bouts (when I will be there) mean something.

2 Responses to “Hakuho loses again”

  1. 1
    leif hagen:

    Awesome SUMO photos! I got to see only one sumo tournament in Nagoya during the last week of my two year stay in Gifu-ken! Sumo wrestling is amazing!

  2. 2
    Christopher Carr:

    With so many foreign wrestlers, Sumo may need to change its rules if it wants to continue being a sport: