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Differences in Japanese Professional Baseball

npb nippon pro baseball

The Japanese Pro Baseball league is supposed to be over by now, but there is still another week to go before the playoffs. Why? Games are being made up at the end of the season. Some teams are done. Others still have as many as five games to play. Weird, huh? That’s nothing. Here are some other strange things…

My team, the Seibu Lions, finished in second place even though they had two more wins than the Softbank Hawks who came in first. What? How can this be? They also had two more loses than the Hawks. The Hawks tied 5 times, while the Lions tied only once. OK, so that makes no sense to those only familiar with MLB.

Today’s picture is something else that will be quite odd for those who haven’t been to a game in Japan. Who is this guy and what is his purpose? I’ll give you a hint. He isn’t an usher or security guard. He isn’t even a cheerleader.

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