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Eternal Copenhagen

sortedams so art copenhagen ny carlsberg museum kunst

Autumn Morning on Lake Sortedam by Christen Kobke (NY Carlsberg Glyptoteket)

sortedams so art copenhagen Efterårsmorgen ved Sortedamssøen

As mentioned yesterday, today we are leaving Copenhagen. Our place, right next to Lake Sortedam, will be missed. I’d like to be close to the lakes again next time, but on a less busy street. I walked, or more often biked, along this lake nearly each of the past 36 days. Although it’s summer, many days looked as gloomy as this fall day in Kobke’s painting from nearly 200 years ago. On those sunny days, between storms, the lakes looked marvelous.

On the surface Copenhagen isn’t changing at all. But the new things do stand out and surprise me when I spend a month here every few years.

So far I’ve posted about 35 photos from this trip. After deleting hundreds of photos, I still have about 4,000 to go.

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