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Brutal Assault announces 2019 schedule / running order

brutal assault 2019 running order

Time schedule for 2019 Brutal Assault Festival

#brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault

Tickets will sell out in the next 48 hours so get yours quick if you haven’t already.

With two or three stages going at once, there are some bands, that I’d really like to see, that I will have to miss all or part of their set. Those include: Meshuggah, Coven, Heilung, and Taake.

I’m torn on whether to see Zuriaake or Entropia. Also, Anthrax, Kampfar, and Windhand are at the same time so it looks like I’ll be missing Anthrax yet again. Cult of Luna or Kadavar? Rotting Christ, Tankard, or Antaeus???

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