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Tokyo Marathon 2010 photos – Part 3


For all of the Tokyo Marathon 2010 pics click here.

The above picture is my last of the day, just before heading into the Iidabashi Metro Station. I was very cold and very wet at this point. Watching the rest of the race in front of the TV provided a nice contrast. How often do you get to witness the same sporting event in person and on TV in your home and have them both be live?

I took this one from the steps leading up to the pedestrian crossing overhead.

The view from the crossing was great but police kept people moving.

Runners were in shower caps, wet suits, garbage bags, and anything else they could think of to try and keep dry.

More to come…

One Response to “Tokyo Marathon 2010 photos – Part 3”

  1. 1

    What wonderful colours of life. Learning the Japanese language for a year now, finding this site was of great joy. Even though the language and its difficulties remind me of a marathon, it is for sure worth to “run” it all, towards the finish line.
    Please have a wonderful Sunday.