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Posts tagged trains

Rounding the bend


Milano Centrale railway station

Milano Centrale railway station

Stazione di Milano Centrale (Milan, Italy)

The largest train station in all of Europe (by volume), Milan Central includes a waiting room (not accessible to the public) with swastikas on the floor designed to receive Hitler.

Train platform to enter car #6

Baseball motif in tile floor of Japanese metro station

I took today’s photo after watching a Swallows game in Tokyo at Meiji Jingu Stadium (明治神宮野球場). I think I was in the Gaienmae Station. Is anyone familiar with that station? Am I correct in that guess?

Love You Fancy


Train food

delicious sandwich on bullet train with mount fuji water

Delicious sandwich (デリシャスサンド) on bullet train with Mount Fuji water


The food you can purchase on Japan’s shinkansen (新幹線) is actually pretty good. And instead of having to pick one sandwich, you can purchase a variety pack with four mini sandwiches. The crust has been carefully cut off of each, making you feel like a four-year old again. 😉

Hello Kitty train on the way to Universal Studios Osaka

universal studies train hello kitty usj

USJ Hello Kitty train – JR Yumesaki Line