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Posts tagged Nikon D750

Skinner Butte’s Big O

skinner butte bigo big O eugene oregon

Skinner Butte – Eugene, Oregon

Today’s photo comes from a walk my son and I took up Skinner Butte six years ago. I don’t think you can see the big “O” from many (any?) places in downtown Eugene due to tree growth in the past few decades.

This letter is in the National Register of Historic Places. I suspect most letters that you see on mountain sides (mostly in the western USA I think) are not in the National Register of Historic Places. This one probably got in because of its history. The O was a replacement for the KKKs that the Ku Klux Klan burned onto this same spot in the 1920s.

Happy birthday, Gina Gleason!

baroness copenhell gina Gleason

Gina Gleason of Baroness @ 2017 Copenhell


Jerusalem’s Church

3-photo photomerge copenhagen nyboder jerusalems kirk-clear


Nine years ago…

Heceta Head Lighthouse oregon coast-clear

Heceta Head Lighthouse (November 2015)

…the paint was much fresher than when we were there earlier this year.

Mexican Sunset

sayulita cowboys beach mexico sunset

Sayulita Cowboys (December 2015)

Metal Monday

testament gefle metal festival

Testament @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival