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Posts tagged crater lake

Crater Lake Sunset

Crater Lake sunset

Discovery Point view of Crater Lake

Crater Lake panorama from Discovery Point

Mt. Thielsen and Crater Lake from Cloudcap Overlook

crater lake from cloudcap overlook mt thielsen-DeNoiseAI-clear

Crater Lake from Cloudcap Overlook (September 2019)

The fog was rolling out of the area as the sun continued to rise on this early morning in September several years ago. The rock formation in the center (next to the lake) is known as “The Palisades”.

Crater Lake’s Wizard Island

crater lake snow winter-DeNoiseAI-clear

Crater Lake, Oregon (March 2016)

Biking around Crater Lake

Watch the road! (or the view?)

Bikes climbing Rim Drive around Crater Lake

Crater Lake bikes climb the Rim Drive