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Posts tagged Nikon NIKKOR Z DX 16-50mm f/3.5-6.3 VR lens

Monster Canoes

loch ness canoes scotland

Loch Ness, Scotland (July 2021)


Múli “ruin of the bird catchers’ house”?

This place was a total trip. First of all, this was during Covid so there were no people here except me. Maybe that’s usually the case. I don’t really know. The information sign (below) is really cool–among the first settlements on the Faroe Islands, now a ghost town, and a skilled sorcerer resident to boot? Fascinating history for such an incredibly beautiful and abandoned place.

I don’t know why the sign calls the place Múla instead of Múli. Everything I read on the internet calls the town Múli.

mula information board faroe islands

Múla information board (Faroe Islands – July 2021)

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I visited the sorcerer’s grave later in the day here.

Elk Lake

south sister broken top oregon from elk lake

South Sister and Broken Top (September 2023)

And the skies are not cloudy all day

teddy roosevelt national park bison

Theodore Roosevelt National Park bison

Camping @ High Sierra

high sierra music festival camp sunset

2023 High Sierra Music Festival camp @ sunset

With brutally hot days, this was by far my favorite time of day.

St. Anne’s Church in Warsaw

taras widokowy warsaw poland viewing terrace

Taras Widokowy and Kościół Akademicki św. Anny (Warsaw, Poland)

You can get a nice view of Warsaw from the bell tower on the left.