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Posts tagged plzen

Katedrála svatého Bartoloměje

Cathedral of St Bartholomew Katedrála svatého Bartoloměje plzen czech exterior

Cathedral of St Bartholomew exterior with Zlatá kašna Anděl (Golden Fountain Angel)

Franciscan monastery in Pilsen (Czech)

Františkánský klášter plzen czech Franciscan monastery

Františkánský klášter (Plzeň, Czech Republic)

The Czech Republic is one of the least religious countries in the world. So it’s no surprise that as I walked around the exterior and interior of this complex I saw exactly zero people.

Kozel Manor House

Kozel Manor House 10-photo photomerge panorama czech republic-DeNoiseAI-clear

Kozel Manor House (Czech Republic)

Once upon a time, less than a year ago, I had a travel day in the Czech Republic in which I was to move from Pilsen to Český Krumlov via my rental car. Google Maps said I’d be there in 2.5 hours, but I couldn’t check in to my new lodgings for something like four or five hours so I “searched along the route” for the word “castle”. Google came up with something like 20 of them! What?!?! The first one I stopped at was this one (maybe because Kozel is also the name of a Czech beer, and I thought it could also be a brewery?). Gorgeous place with virtually no people.

Doosan Arena from Pilsen Cathedral

Cathedral of St Bartholomew Plzeň pilsen czech-DeNoiseAI-clear

(Pilsen, Czech Republic – August 2021)

The stadium covering some of this photo was previously known as Stadion města Plzně and is the home turf of FC Viktoria Plzeň. The Pilsner Urquell Brewery is behind it.

Happy Sunday!

plzen czech republic Cathedral of St Bartholomew topaz denoise ai-standard

Cathedral of St. Bartholomew (Plzen, Czech Republic)

Happy last day of Oktoberfest!

pilsner urquell plzen czech brewery tour topaz denoise ai-standard

Pilsner Urquell Brewery interior (Plzen, Czech Republic)

@Pilsner_Urquell @VisitCZ #visitczechrepublic

Seems like it should last until the end of October but whatever…

Today’s photo comes from the brewery of the original Pilsner, Pilsner Urquell. First brewed in 1842 by Bavarian brewer Josef Groll, it’s unfortunate that to taste this beer as it’s meant to be tasted, you have to go to the Czech Republic. The beer doesn’t age well or taste great out of a can or bottle IMO.

On the other hand, if I’m to be transported instantly to drink a beer on tap/draft then that location is the Czech Republic and that beer is Pilsner Urquell.