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Posts tagged bikes

Danish classic

Præstø denmark-clear

Old Town Square (Præstø, Denmark)

For a town of its size, Præstø had a large number of stores. Torvet street looked like it has seen its share of pop-up markets over the centuries. However, on this Saturday in July (when one would think there would be a lot of activity), the place was dead. Few of the stores were even open, and there was no outdoor market happening. I didn’t complain.

Surprise Corner to Hoodoos Trail is not for bikes

bikes hoodoo banff

Biking Banff

I’ve never been this far from home with my actual bike before. Very fun.

Regarding the title of this photo, this trail allows bikes, but there are some very steep sections–some of which include stairs even–that bikes don’t do well on. Hence, we locked our bikes up after just a few hundred meters into the 10+ km trail and did the rest on foot. Great trail BTW (and not crowded until the Hoodoos Overlook). Highly recommend!

Odense, Denmark

odense denmark

The mostly deserted streets of Odense, Denmark in July 2021

Dragør Old Town

dragor denmark

Dragør, Denmark (July 2016)

15 years ago

Copenhagen (July 2008)

Biking around Crater Lake

Watch the road! (or the view?)