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Posts tagged gefle metal festival

Metal Monday

phil anselmo gefle metal festival

Phil Anselmo @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

Some friends of mine and I have a competition to see which band we’ve seen the most, even though we wouldn’t normally walk across the street to see them if they were playing. In other words, what band has been on the bill the most for other bands you went to see?

For me, it’s Napalm Death, who I have now seen five times. In second place is Pantera–a band I’ve seen with and without Dimebag a total of four times now.

Metal Monday

dark tranquillity gefle metal festival

Dark Tranquillity @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival (Sweden)

Metal Monday

testament gefle metal festival

Testament @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

Metal Monday

gefle metal festival crowd

2017 Gefle Metal Festival crowd

2017 Gefle Metal Festival

Christoffer Bertzell Chriz Vain liv sin gefle metal festival

Christoffer Bertzell (AKA Chriz Vain) of Liv Sin @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

2017 gefle metal festival schedule lineup running order bands

Metal Monday

scarlet gefle metal festival

Scarlet’s guitarist @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival