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Posts tagged gefle metal festival

Happy birthday, Silenoz!

Silenoz dimmu borgir gefle metal festival-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Silenoz of Dimmu Borgir @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

#DimmuBorgir #GefleMetalFestival @dimmuborgir

Happy Valentine’s Day

gefle metal festival Valkyrja Simon Wizén

Simon Wizén of Valkyrja @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

Happy birthday, Mark Osegueda!

Mark Osegueda death angel gefle metal festival-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Mark Osegueda of Death Angel @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

@deathangel @nuclearblastusa @nuclearblasteu #deathangel #geflemetalfestival #geflemetal

The new vocalist for Kerry King turns 55 today. As someone who has been 55 for several months now, I gotta tell him that it’s not as fun as being 18.


deathstars gefle metal festival

Deathstars @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival


These Swedes will be making their first trip to Brutal Assault this August. I wish I could join them.

Gefle Metal Festival Crowd

Philip H Anselmo & The Illegals gelfe metal festival crowd

Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals @ 2019 Gelfe Metal Festival crowd

I forgot that yesterday was Monday so here is your Metal Monday one day late.

Metal Monday

amon amarth gefle metal festival

Amon Amarth @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

@AmonJohan @AmonAmarthBand