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Posts tagged AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G lens

Chelsea Wolfe @ Crystal Ballroom

chelsea wolfe crystal ballroom

September 26, 2018

Metal Monday

gefle metal festival crowd

2017 Gefle Metal Festival crowd

Happy birthday, Damien Sisson!

gefle metal death angel Damien Sisson

Damien Sisson of Death Angel at 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

@deathangel @nuclearblastusa @nuclearblasteu #deathangel #geflemetalfestival #geflemetal

Happy birthday, Mark Osegueda!

Mark Osegueda death angel gefle metal festival-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Mark Osegueda of Death Angel @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

@deathangel @nuclearblastusa @nuclearblasteu #deathangel #geflemetalfestival #geflemetal

The new vocalist for Kerry King turns 55 today. As someone who has been 55 for several months now, I gotta tell him that it’s not as fun as being 18.

Metal Monday

amon amarth gefle metal festival

Amon Amarth @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

@AmonJohan @AmonAmarthBand

Happy birthday, Aaron Turner!

sumac roskilde festival aaron turner-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Aaron Turner of Sumac @ 2016 Roskilde Festival

@SUMACband @SigeRecords @orangefeeling