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Posts tagged eugene

Happy birthday, Tom Polzine!

howling giant john henrys

Tom Polzine of Howling Giant @ John Henry’s (May 2023)


Happy birthday, Jake Cinninger!

Jake Cinninger umphreys mcgee mcdonald theater

Jake Cinninger of Umphrey’s McGee @ McDonald Theatre (Eugene, Oregon – March 2019)

@umphreysmcgee @mcdnldtheatre

Skinner Butte’s Big O

skinner butte bigo big O eugene oregon

Skinner Butte – Eugene, Oregon

Today’s photo comes from a walk my son and I took up Skinner Butte six years ago. I don’t think you can see the big “O” from many (any?) places in downtown Eugene due to tree growth in the past few decades.

This letter is in the National Register of Historic Places. I suspect most letters that you see on mountain sides (mostly in the western USA I think) are not in the National Register of Historic Places. This one probably got in because of its history. The O was a replacement for the KKKs that the Ku Klux Klan burned onto this same spot in the 1920s.

Happy Day of the Dead!

eugene oregon maude kerns art center gallery day of the dead exhibit

Maude Kerns Art Center and Gallery – Day of the Dead Exhibit (Eugene, Oregon – November 2014)

Today’s photo is 10 years old, but apparently this gallery does a Day of the Dead Exhibit every year at this time so if you are in or near Eugene, head on over before the exhibit changes in a couple of days.

The former Fairmount Presbyterian Church was built in 1895 in the Gothic Revival (Georgian) style near the University of Oregon campus and has been a Eugene historic landmark since 1980.

Floydian Slips return to Eugene in three weeks

Floydian Slips mcdonald theater eugene oregon

Floydian Slips @ McDonald Theatre (Eugene, Oregon – April 2022)

floydian slips

Walk in the park

eugene hike Hendricks Park

Hendricks Park (Eugene, Oregon)