- Japan (07, 09-10, 13), Denmark (08, 11, 16-19, 21, 24), Korea (13), Poland (21), Mexico (14, 15, 19), Iceland (17, 19), Hawaii (14, 17, 22), Czech Republic (16, 17, 19, 21)
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Posts tagged eugene

Metal Monday

howling giant john henry's-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

Howling Giant @ John Henry’s (Eugene, Oregon – May 19, 2023)


howling giant john henry's elder

POW! Pro Wrestling

pow pro wrestling whirled pies-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Funny Bone vs. Dr. Kliever (@ Whirled Pies – Eugene, Oregon – May 20, 2023)

@drkliever @powprowrestling

9 years ago…

Mitchell Tolman of the Oregon Ducks (March 2014)

@MitchellTolman @OregonBaseball

Mitchell has been playing minor league baseball since finishing at the U of O in 2015.

Willamette River

Alton Baker Park North Bank Trail

Alton Baker Park’s North Bank Trail (Eugene, Oregon – April 2013)

Cheerleading Week

oregon cheerleader-clear

University of Oregon cheerleader (October 2017)

Today kicks off National Cheerleader Week.

Wizard’s Chess anyone?

mike allred chess deck willamette river autzen stadium-DeNoiseAI-clear

Life-sized chess board built into the deck with Autzen Stadium in the distance