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Posts tagged Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED Lens

Nine years ago…

Heceta Head Lighthouse oregon coast-clear

Heceta Head Lighthouse (November 2015)

…the paint was much fresher than when we were there earlier this year.

Metal Monday

testament gefle metal festival

Testament @ 2017 Gefle Metal Festival

Metal Monday

diamond head metal magic

Diamond Head @ 2017 Metal Magic Festival

Happy Day of the Dead!

eugene oregon maude kerns art center gallery day of the dead exhibit

Maude Kerns Art Center and Gallery – Day of the Dead Exhibit (Eugene, Oregon – November 2014)

Today’s photo is 10 years old, but apparently this gallery does a Day of the Dead Exhibit every year at this time so if you are in or near Eugene, head on over before the exhibit changes in a couple of days.

The former Fairmount Presbyterian Church was built in 1895 in the Gothic Revival (Georgian) style near the University of Oregon campus and has been a Eugene historic landmark since 1980.

Metal Monday

Simon Sonne Andersen orm metal magic

Simon Sonne Andersen of ORM @ 2017 Metal Magic Festival

Power nap before High on Fire
