Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged fates medallion

Fates Medallion

fates medallion Mike Uzi Ulizzi

Today’s Fates Medallion photos are from the gig with Spellcaster @ Johnny B’s in Medford.

fates medallion jordan batwinas

fates medallion drums drummer

Another jpg vs. RAW comparison

raw vs jpeg jpg compare concert photography poor lighting

from jpg file (about 30 seconds of processing)

I still use jpgs for most of my images even though I shoot in both RAW and jpeg. Whenever I try to process a RAW file, and the photo was taken in decent lighting, my jpg either looks better or it is indistinguishable from the RAW file which took many times longer to process. However, in low, poor, or weird lighting I still, sometimes, try to process the RAW file to see what I can come up with.

I don’t think there is much comparison in today’s photo. The jpg simply does not look better. I could have processed that jpg for hours and still not got it to look remotely as good as the RAW-processed result.

fates medallion

from RAW file (about 5 minutes of processing)


Sarcalogos Occisor skylar guzman band black metal portland oregon johnny b's medford

I have yet to attend a show at Johnny B’s that started within an hour of when it was supposed to. I thought Fates Medallion were playing first so when I arrived at just before 10 p.m. I was a bit surprised to see Uzi and the other Fates Medallion guys outside with their gear. I figured they must have went on right at 9 and I missed them. As it turns out, they were playing second even though the flyer appeared to indicate otherwise.

johnny bs medford oregon spellcaster Sarcalogos Occisor

First up was Sarcalogos, a mostly black metal twosome from Portland or Washington or somewhere to the north. Bands usually don’t fit well on Johnny B’s tiny stage, but a band with only two members fit just fine. Spellcaster members couldn’t move with five crammed up there.

 Dave Phillips drummer sarcalogos band portland oregon washington black metal

Sarcalogos consists of just Dave Phillips (aka Sarcophilus Satanicus) on drums and Skylar Guzman (aka Sarcalogos Occisor) on guitar and vocals.

Sarcalogos Occisor skylar guzman guitar band name

They seemed like pretty nice dudes. I hope they play in Southern Oregon again.

Fates Medallion at Johnny B’s

fates medallion band ashland oregon

jordan batwinas

Mike Uzi Ulizzi

lemmy fates medallion aka mike ulizzi motorhead

Mike Uzi Ulizzi fates medallion johnny b's medford oregon

jordan batwinas

Mike Uzi Ulizzi

fates medallion

mike ulizzi

Last night I headed up to Medford to check out some bands at Johnny B’s. I was planning on arriving at 9:30 or so for Tenguska, but the SOU Raiders basketball game was very exciting so I stayed until the end (a victory over a higher ranked team!). I ended up arriving at Johnny B’s as Tenguska was moving their stuff off the stage after their set.

Next up were Fates Medallion.

I did some experimentation with the audio on my camera by adding an external mic (Sennheiser MKE 400). The audio on the video below came out far better than the internal mic on my Nikon D7000 so I was happy. Even right next to the speaker the sound is pretty good. I set the volume on the external microphone to – and the sensitivity on my D7000 to Low in order to obtain these results. I was so focused on the audio that the visual aspect of this video isn’t great. The lighting was very poor and people were in my way, but things are occasionally in focus. Next time I will be able to focus on the video since I finally have the audio settings down.