Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged johnny b’s

Gibson night @ Johnny B’s

temptress elk witch johnny bs medford

@gibsonguitar @elkwitchband @Temptressdfw #gibson

johnny bs embers through the fog

Embers Through The Fog

I’m not sure if anyone else noticed, but last Thursday night at Johnny B’s in Medford looked like a Gibson Guitars promo night. Embers Through The Fog started the evening off with an Explorer, Elk Witch featured a Les Paul, and Temptress finished off the evening with a Flying V.

johnny bs elk witch

Elk Witch

johnny bs temptress-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise


But wait, there’s more…

After busting a string or two on the Flying V, Temptress’s backup guitar was an SG!

johnny bs temptress

Temptress @ Johnny B’s (October 19, 2023)


Diaatom @ Johnny B's-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

Diaatom @ Johnny B’s (May 11, 2023)

The only band that I’ve ever seen before that was anything remotely like this was Ex Eye.

Five years ago today…

Witch Cult

Happy birthday, Adam Houmam!

ion johnny bs adam houmam topaz denoise ai-denoise

Adam Houmam

ION @ Johnny B’s

ion johnny bs ryan daniel

Ryan Daniel

One month ago, today, this happened.

ion johnny bs adam houmam

Adam Houmam

ion johnny bs daniel perdomo

Daniel Perdomo

Witch Cult Wednesday

Witch Cult

witch cult johnny bs medford ariella abbott

Witch Cult @ Johnny B’s (4/2/18)

ION playing Johnny B’s

Tomorrow night with Witch Cult opening.

Cambrian Explosion @ Johnny B’s

cambrian explosion johnny bs nori lockhart

Nori Lockhart

It’s been a while since I’ve made it out for live music. With Club 66 and Musichead both out of business, rare visits to Britt or the Ashland Armory are all that I seem to get to these days in the Rogue Valley. I swore off Johnny B’s a few years ago, but I made a rare exception a couple weeks ago when Cambrian Explosion and 100 Watt Mind were playing. Both bands were great.

cambrian explosion johnny bs

Cambrian Explosion @ Medford’s Johnny B’s

Deathblow in a week

deathblow slc musichead medford Holton Grossl

Deathblow thrashing @ Musichead in 2014

Johnny B’s next week (5/3/16), 9 p.m.

Deathblow returning to Southern Oregon

deathblow slc musichead medford paul bass

Deathblow @ Musichead (8/3/14)

Deathblow returns from Salt Lake City. If it was at Club 66 I’d be there. They will be playing in Medford at Johnny B’s.
