Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged musichead

10 years ago

Francis Ausley rattlehead musichead

Francis Ausley of Rattlehead @ Musichead

No guitar pick, no more Rattlehead, no more live music at Musichead — times have changed.

Happy birthday, Jesse McKinnon!


There are few things in life that I miss more than a Stoneburner gig.

More than seven years later…

My random, desktop image of the day comes from just over seven years ago at Musichead in Medford. Rattlehead hasn’t done much in those seven years, and Musichead hasn’t had a live show in over six years so this photo is something of a museum piece.

Happy birthday, Connor!

connor horn insanitys reign musichead

11 years old today. Today’s photo comes from 2014, probably the last time I saw him.

Six years ago today…

D750 sample image, no edit, ISO12800, dimly lit venue


Eleven years ago today…

giant squid poster musichead ischemia sink the missouri

Autographed Giant Squid flyer for Musichead (Medford, Oregon – February 15, 2009)

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween


Four years ago today…

wehrmacht musichead vic firth Brian Lehfeldt

Brian Lehfeldt


Wehrmacht drummer Brian Lehfeldt demonstrated the fact that you can’t decapitate yourself with a Vic Firth drumstick.

Holy Grail @ Musichead

holy grail musichead

Holy Grail @ Musichead (August 2015)

@HolyGrailBand @TheMetalMixtape

It’s taken me over two years to get up this photo of Holy Grail. You’re welcome.


John Duffy of Wehrmacht @ Musichead

John Duffy of Wehrmacht @ Musichead

Throwing it back a few years to one of those many classic Musichead shows that are no more. With the closing of Musichead and Club 66 I haven’t been to any live music in the Rogue Valley (other than Britt) for over half a year. So sad.