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Posts tagged rattlehead

10 years ago

Francis Ausley rattlehead musichead

Francis Ausley of Rattlehead @ Musichead

No guitar pick, no more Rattlehead, no more live music at Musichead — times have changed.

More than seven years later…

My random, desktop image of the day comes from just over seven years ago at Musichead in Medford. Rattlehead hasn’t done much in those seven years, and Musichead hasn’t had a live show in over six years so this photo is something of a museum piece.

RattleheaD, Deathblow, Sylent Storm, and Insanity’s Reign @ Musichead tonight

sylent storm club 66 jym harris

Jym Harris of Sylent Storm

There is a four band metal show in Medford tonight. RattleheaD (SoCal) and Deathblow (SLC) are the bands travelling through.

RattleheaD has had this show listed as August 4, but I understand they will be playing August 3, not August 4, at Musichead. Things will get started about 6 p.m.

rattlehead resurgence tour 2014