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Posts tagged sarcalogos

Sarcalogos @ King Wah’s

sarcalogos bamboo room

Sarcalogos in the Bamboo Room (11/22/16)

Eight years ago today…

Almost eight years ago…

Sarcalogos @ Club 66 (February 2013)

Sarcalogos in Medford

Xoth and Sarcalogos

Xoth and Sarcalogos

@sarcalogosband @Behold_Xoth

It’s been a long time since I’ve ventured out for a local show. Tomorrow night I may head on up I-5 to see this one. I’ve never been to King Wah. Hopefully it’s a decent venue. Three years ago is the last time I saw Sarcalogos. Almost five years ago was the first time. Time for a reunion.

Sarcalogos returns to Ashland

Sarcalogos witch cult torture club 66


Sarcalogos @ Hawthorne Theatre

hawthorne theatre marquee fintroll

Hawthorne Theatre (Portland, Oregon) marquee

Opening for Finntroll this past Friday night in Portland’s Hawthorne Theatre was Sarcalogos.

sarcalogos hawthorne theatre portland oregon

sarcalogos dave phillips hawthorned theater b&w

Sarcalogos skylar occisor hawthorne theatre


Blackguard, Metsatöll, and Ritual Healing were also on the bill on this evening.

Sarcalogos @ Club 66

sarcalogos club 66

Sarcalogos @ Club 66 – Ashland, Oregon (2/27/13)

Last night saw the return of metal to Ashland after about a four year break. Sarcalogos kicked off their West Coast tour at Club 66. Tonight they play in Eureka, California. The rest of the short tour is as follows:
Friday, March 1 in Oakland @ The Pink String
Saturday, March 2 in Fresno @ CYC
Sunday, March 3 in Las Vegas @ Favorites
and Tuesday, March 5 in San Francisco @ Casa Sanchez

If you are anywhere near one of these places, head on over to the venue for an evening you won’t soon forget.

Skylar Occisor sarcalogos club 66 dave phillips

Sarcalogos & Witch Cult @ Club 66

sarcalogos witch cult iron thrones club 66 ashland oregon flyer heavy metal southern infernal throne oregon rogue valley

One week from tonight metal returns to Ashland. Club 66 will be hosting Sarcalogos, Witch Cult, and Infernal Throne. This venue saw some great metal acts when it was Stillwater, including YOB, 3 Inches of Blood, Giant Squid, and Toxic Holocaust.

Next month, Witchaven and Exmortus (3/20/13) will be playing at Club 66.

Sarcalogos returns to Southern Oregon

Sarcalogos Skylar Guzman

Sarcalogos’ Skylar Guzman

It has been almost a year since Sarcalogos has played in this part of the world. The show in two weeks with Witch Cult will be the first metal show at the new Club 66. Sure, it’s a Wednesday night and you probably have to go to school or work or something the next morning, but things will wrap up well before midnight–unlike some of the weekend shows at Club 66–so put it on your calendar, copy off some fliers (below), post them everywhere, and head on down to Club 66 on February 27 to support metal in Ashland.

club 66 flyer witch cult sarcalogos

Club 66 – Witch Cult and Sarcalogos


Sarcalogos Occisor skylar guzman band black metal portland oregon johnny b's medford

I have yet to attend a show at Johnny B’s that started within an hour of when it was supposed to. I thought Fates Medallion were playing first so when I arrived at just before 10 p.m. I was a bit surprised to see Uzi and the other Fates Medallion guys outside with their gear. I figured they must have went on right at 9 and I missed them. As it turns out, they were playing second even though the flyer appeared to indicate otherwise.

johnny bs medford oregon spellcaster Sarcalogos Occisor

First up was Sarcalogos, a mostly black metal twosome from Portland or Washington or somewhere to the north. Bands usually don’t fit well on Johnny B’s tiny stage, but a band with only two members fit just fine. Spellcaster members couldn’t move with five crammed up there.

 Dave Phillips drummer sarcalogos band portland oregon washington black metal

Sarcalogos consists of just Dave Phillips (aka Sarcophilus Satanicus) on drums and Skylar Guzman (aka Sarcalogos Occisor) on guitar and vocals.

Sarcalogos Occisor skylar guzman guitar band name

They seemed like pretty nice dudes. I hope they play in Southern Oregon again.