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Posts tagged Mark Helfrich

2015 SOU Commencement

2015 sou commencement mark helfrich

Mark Helfrich

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @SOUAshland @CoachHelfrich

2015 sou commencement blakelyn birks daniel breaux

National Champions, crime fighters, and 2015 SOU graduates Blakelyn Birks and Daniel Breaux

Daniel Breaux‘s interview on NPR the day before.

if you can dream it you can do it hat cap decoration ideas

2015 sou commencement gold raiders

Gold Raiders from the Southern Oregon Class of 1965

2015 sou commencement rene ordonez

Rene Ordonez and his selfie stick

2015 sou commencement mba next step

Mark Helfrich to speak at 2015 SOU Commencement

Mark Helfrich

Mark Helfrich, University of Oregon Head Football Coach and Southern Oregon University alumnus

@CoachHelfrich @SOU_Football @SOURaiders @Univ_Of_Oregon

The rumors from the past few months have been confirmed. The former SOU quarterback and current coach of the Ducks will be speaking at Raider Stadium on the morning of June 13.