Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged trail gulch lake

Trail Gulch Lake

11 photo photomerge trail gulch lake california

11-photo photomerge

@TipSquirrel #photography #phototips #photomerge #photoshop

I wasn’t thinking when I grabbed my D500 (crop sensor) instead of my D750 (full frame) to go on a hike this past Sunday. The D750 with a 24-120mm f/4G lens is perfect for hiking. The D500 turns that lens into a 36-180mm lens. I don’t really need 180mm on a hike, but I do need 24mm. When that happens the solution is to photomerge. I did so with the photo above. However, I didn’t like how much of the water at my feet wouldn’t fit. So, for the first time, I tried a different technique.

Normally I photomerge by shooting vertical images from left to right and then merge them together as a horizontal panorama. For the image below I shot vertical images from left to right, but instead of shooting one and moving right I shot one and moved down to take a second before moving right. Something like this:

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

I didn’t know if Photoshop would be able to merge them together, but there were no issues.

23-photo photomerge

22-photo photomerge

Trinity Alps – Trail Gulch Lake

trinity alps california trail gulch lake

The hike to this lake is not very difficult. It is a bit under 2 miles each way from the trail head. Next time I want to take the more difficult, 9.6-mile loop trail that takes you above this lake and right by the Long Gulch Lake.

The location is northern California, about an hour and a half south of Ashland.

Trinity Alps meadow

meadow on trinity alps gulch lake hike california

My favorite part of the aforementioned hike wasn’t the lake at the end (although it was beautiful). No, the best part, for me, was this meadow. My daughter, on the far left, agreed. She says she is going to get married in this meadow. I’ll show you some more pictures of it in later entries.

Trinity Alps Trees

scene at trinity gulch lake

On a recent hike to Trail Gulch Lake in California‘s Trinity Alps I took today’s photo.