Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged summer


swim dive

While wandering through Lithia Park a year and a half ago

japanese maples leaves lithia park

Japanese Maples in Lithia Park (Ashland, Oregon – August 2020)

On the other end of the state

Mount Hood from Draper Girls Country Farm

Happy last day of summer!

Head first

Mt. Hood

Trillium Lake Ducks

Made it to Mount Hood yesterday. Today’s photo is from a short hike (about 2 miles) around Trillium Lake. Three more days of hiking to go.

Six summers ago

Speed Inflatable Water Rider Tube Boat Towable lake of the woods chris stanek

Lake of the Woods (Southern Oregon)

@lakeothewoods @whattodoinsoore #whattodoinsouthernoregon #findyourSouthernOregon

Six and a half years ago…

Two Lakes For The Price Of One

#california #mtshasta #castlelake #heartlake

Have a peachy Wednesday!

Peaches in Ashland, Oregon

Muir Creek in summer

muir creek southern oregon

Muir Creek (Southern Oregon)

As opposed to winter, where things look a little different.

Summer Screwball Series

blend scienceworks movies

“His Girl Friday” projected on the side of ScienceWorks (6/14/15)

@ashlandfilm @LaurelSager


This summer you can watch movies at ScienceWorks outdoors every other Sunday evening. It’s sort of like a drive-in movie experience.