Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged lake of the woods

Sunset @ Lake of the Woods

lake of the woods sunset

August 2013

Mt. McLoughlin from Lake of the Woods

lake of the woods mount mcloughlin

Lake of the Woods from Mount McLoughlin (March 2021)


A different year, a different season

Lake of the Woods, Oregon (August 2013)


Lake of the Woods sunset

Lake of the Woods (Oregon)

Kayaking on Lake of the Woods

Six summers ago

Speed Inflatable Water Rider Tube Boat Towable lake of the woods chris stanek

Lake of the Woods (Southern Oregon)

@lakeothewoods @whattodoinsoore #whattodoinsouthernoregon #findyourSouthernOregon

Four years ago…

lake of the woods 2013

Lake of the Woods, summer of 2013

…these ladies (now all in college) were in the process of getting wet.

Warmer days


Lake of the Woods (Oregon)

Today’s random, desktop image comes from three and a half years ago.

Lake of the Woods

lake of the woods southern oregon ashland klamath wilderness

Lake of the Woods (June 2009)

Ice Walker

Walk on Water

Last week I posted a photo from the edge of Lake of the Woods. This was from a walk I took last weekend in snow shoes.

Today’s photo is from the middle of the lake after I ventured out past the shadows. In the shadows there was snow on the ice, and things felt more solid. I probably could have kept going straight across to my car near the lodge in the distance, but as the ice became more transparent I figured my adrenaline levels were high enough so I turned back at this point and walked around instead.