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Japanese Liquor Store – Kamakura, Japan

kamakura beer brewery

I took today’s photo in Kamakura because of the cool-looking, old-style, Japanese building. This kind of architecture isn’t as common as it once was, but you can still find it, even in big cities.

Based on the sign in the lower left corner of the picture, you can buy specialty (microbrewery) beer here. Kamakura Beer (鎌倉ビール) appears to offer a variety of beers. I never saw Kamakura Beer, or other microbrews, for sale at most locations in Japan. Usually, stores offered a wide variety of beer that tasted pretty much the same (boring lagers). If this liquor store is closed when you visit Kamakura, you can buy from the vending machine out front (lower right part of pic). Now that is something you won’t find in most other parts of the world.

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